How to Get Good Mental Health

Want to bring more Happiness and Positivity into your life and into the world in general?  It’s certainly needed!  Did you know that Berkeley is home to the “Greater Good Science Center”?!?  Their whole purpose is to research, generate and promote well-being (sounds like a good job, doesn’t it?  I like to think that this is a lot of what I do with each client at RhythmLife Psychotherapy).   

One of my favorite sections is called ‘Greater Good In Action,’ which provides practical tools for building the positive:

Check out other articles, events, etc., at the following link:


Are you struggling with how to live with today’s news and events?  You are not alone!   I'm finding in my practice that most people feel challenged by the state of the world, and are looking for ways to manage their dismay, fear, and lack of hope.  I have developed the following:

A List of Resources for Positive News: 
