Fun Tricks for Managing Your Anxiety

For those people who struggle with anxiety, it never hurts to have more tools and tricks to outsmart your brain's panicky may find relief in the most surprising of places!

For example, you could break out your own personal fidget spinner!  Shown in the articles below to have a number of positives for adults, fidget spinners turn out to have another benefit.  Your brain can't think anxiety-producing and sustaining thoughts as easily if it's distracted by a sparkly, whirring toy that requires soothing fine motor movement to operate it!  Try it out and see what you think...if you find it helpful, it's easy to carry along in a bag or purse.  

Fidget spinners also manage your attention, keep you calm, and help you focus:

What I dubbed the 'Game of Thrones' Fidget Spinner....


Finally, if you're inspired and/or a DIY lover, try making your own!: